Teamwork & Synchronized Swimming
Synchronized movements in the water are artfully accomplished to music, where each swimmer depends on the others and plays a specific part in the choreographed routine. The long underwater chains of swimmers break apart and then simultaneously pop to the surface to gasp for breath – all while maintaining radiant smiles. The audience marvels at how these elegant, dolphin-like swimmers move together, making their dance appear effortless as they emerge to the surface with cheerful expressions to breathe.
A synchronized swimming performance comprises two essential parts – underwater and on the surface. Teamwork is paramount: every synchronized swimmer leaves the pool with a heightened understanding of the phrase, “I really could not have done that without you.” What's visible to the audience above water is the team’s seamless coordination, flow, and collaborative effort. Synchronized swimming simply cannot succeed without a fully functioning team. How does this resonate with your own team?
Consider these synchronized swimming characteristics and assess their presence within your team:
- Understanding where the team is headed
- Dependence on one another
- Holding on during deep dives
- Pulling your own weight, and sometimes your teammates'
- Working together
- Distinguishing up from down
- Smiling
Which of these traits does your team embody? Take a moment to reflect on how your team operates and consider areas for improvement or reinforcement.
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